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Batman Film Reboot: 5 Ways It Can Top Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy

28 Jul

batman reboot

All good things must come to end right? Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy is unquestionably the greatest cinematic trilogy of Batman ever made, there’s no point even trying to top it really is there? Well… While the trilogy was the Batman we deserved, it’s not the Batman we need right now. Of course the Nolan’s films could be topped (pause for sounds of Nolan fan boys clicking to another article) but it definitely won’t be an easy task.

Now don’t get me wrong I am a huge Nolan fan myself, I am eternally grateful to the man who gave my hero back his dignity and legend status. But even the most devoted of Nolan fans out there have to admit there are some things that could be improved upon with a new series. All may not agree with these changes due to the overwhelming success of the ‘Nolan formula’ but there should always be a desire to improve.

Many people of this generation will now be fully versed on this gritty realistic style of Batman Nolan created, and judging by the huge critical as well as commercial success it seems to work pretty well. Some even suggesting it has now blended into the Man Of Steel blueprint, but that’s another topic all together. The type of target audience the reboot will be going for is also a key element in how successful this new franchise will be. Will they keep to the tried and tested formula? Or go even darker? Something many hard core Batman fans have been eager for years to see. I just think we all hope it doesn’t go down the camp Batman and Robin territory again.

Whatever happens the new franchise will have a tough task in trying to please the new generation and keep them interested, as well as paying homage to the older ones. This balancing act will determine the length and success of our new Batman, whether it drives away old audiences or brings in new ones? Time will tell.

The point this article is going to make is that while the previous entries should be respected (Schumacher entries excluded) the opportunity to give us a new and improved legend must be taken. It can be done and really, must be done to help give the proposed Justice League film every chance of happening and staying relevant.

So here are my 5 suggestions on how to make the next Batman franchise:

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