Tag Archives: great ideas

Great Ideas! Kid-Friendly Sun Protective Gear Roundup

20 May

Sun Protective Gear for Kids Roundup

Getty Images

Summer is finally here – and so begins the daily dance of protecting your little one from the sun!

From sunscreens to creative cover-ups, we trolled some of our favorite online shops for some easy ways to dodge those harmful rays.

As you set aside 5 minutes to lather up on sunscreen before you and your child head out the door, it helps to have some sun protection tools in your arsenal. Like California Baby‘s sun care essentials kit ($36) – complete with sunscreen, sunglasses, swimmer’s shampoo/conditioner and more – which comes in an easy to grab tote.

Coppertone KIDS tear-free lotion ($11) and Seventh Generation Wee Generation baby sunscreen ($14), both of which stay active for up to 80 minutes, are perfect for tossing in the diaper bag. MD Moms‘s Baby Silk towelettes ($26) are vitamin-packed and ideal for rubbing on those little fingers and toes.

The best way to shield baby’s skin from the sun is to keep it under wraps. iPlay has rash guards ($19), sun hats ($6-$12), and water shoes ($14) that keep kids covered during water play. K&H Sun Protective Clothing‘s adorable T-Shirts ($25), developed by a dermatologist Mom, blocks out 99 percent of the sun’s harmful rays and are a necessity for kids romping around at summer camp or the park. Keep those bald baby heads hidden, too, with the Shaidee ($40), a cover that works like an umbrella on your Baby Bjorn or other baby carrier and weighs less than a smartphone.

Don’t forget those baby blues! Velcro a one-size-fits-all Sassy Suds & Sun visor ($6) your child’s forehead for defense, or shield those eyes with BPA-free Babiators ($20) which block 100 percent of harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Creative kiddie cabanas act as a barrier between the sun and your kids, too. Kel-Gar‘s Sun Dome ($32), with 50 UPF, folds out for instant shade for your toddler on the beach or elsewhere and comes with a convenient carry case. SwimWays Baby Spring Float Sun Canopy ($17) has a removable canopy with see-through mesh sides, which means your tots won’t miss out on any of the fun going on around them.

For the baby that takes on the world by car seat, the breathable Imagine Baby Shade ($35) fastens onto your infant car seat to repel sun, water and bugs and iPlay‘s Breatheasy blanket ($18) covers those chubby legs that are often left exposed.

Amy Jamieson

Great Ideas! 5 Fun (and Easy!) Ways to Encourage Your Child to Love Music

24 Jan

Laurie Berkner Tips to Encourage Child to Love Music


When it comes to children’s music, Laurie Berkner is the tops. Not only does she have five albums under her belt, but the beloved musician also has her own show on Sprout TV‘s calleed Sing It Laurie!.

Berkner is also mom to 8-year-old daughter, Lucy Mueller, who regularly inspires her songwriting.

So we thought it would be great to get her tips on how to encourage your tots to channel their inner Justin Timberlake or Beethoven (whichever you prefer).

Check them out below:

Sing to your little ones. It sounds simple, but do it whenever you have the opportunity. It will make the experience of singing organic to their lives, and something they associate with being fun and playful.

I remember making up “Going On A Hunt” because I could never find anything in our apartment. It turned our searching into a game and was so much more fun. Also if your child has a story to tell you, ask them to share it as a song. It forces them to think in a different way and helps bring out their creative sides.

Engage in musical activities. Some kids start their connection to music by absorbing it. When I taught music in pre-schools, there were always some kids in my classes who just wanted to listen (rather than get up and sing or dance). Inevitably, it was these same kids who were going home every day and acting out the songs we sang at school.

When you’re at home, turn on the radio or whatever player you own while cleaning up or making dinner. Or you can take your child to a concert for kids. Our family loves musical theater. Stopping to listen to street performers is another way to build their appreciation. And if they express an interest in playing an instrument, follow through. They are much more likely to maintain interest if it was their idea.

Laurie Berkner Tips to Encourage Child to Love Music


Bust a move. When you are listening to music together, encourage your kids to get up and dance. Younger children really respond to this because they use their bodies to express themselves at first. The fun and joy that they will experience with you will be associated with music.

Have fun. Don’t worry about doing it right, singing in tune or knowing the words. A very wise woman once told me, “If you’re having fun, you’re doing it right!” Fans often write to tell me about ways they have changed my songs to fit their families. Like changing my song “Moon Moon Moon” to “Sun Sun Sun” so they could sing it during the day.

I also like to put on music and then ask my daughter to draw or paint whatever comes to mind. You can ask your child to choose colors based on the music playing so they really feel the connection.

Make it personal. Introduce them to the music you love, including songs you enjoyed while growing up. When they see how much you love it, they’ll grow a fondness for it as well. It almost becomes a family tradition because certain tunes are passed down. And if you play an instrument, perform for your kids and have them sing along.

Laurie Berkner

Jayme Thornton

Great Ideas! 6 Ways to Make Family Holiday Travel Easier

16 Nov

Great Ideas! Tori Spelling's Safari-Themed Nursery Style


Heading out of town next week or month? Make sure to check out our expert tips.

From planning your trip together to how to avoid holiday crowds, National Geographic Traveler writer-consumer advocate (and dad of 3!) Christopher Elliott shares a few ways to make your journey less stressful.

VIEW THE GALLERY: 6 Ways to Make Family Holiday Travel Easier

Great Ideas! 9 Halloween Crafts the Whole Family Will Howl Over

6 Oct

Courtesy Craft Sisters

Along with raising their families, Crafty Sisters Candace Palfreyman and Nicole Cornaby keep themselves busy with their various art projects, especially around the holiday season. Which is why we asked the crafty duo to share their fave Halloween ideas from their cute blog.

From a witch wreath to a haunted village, thank goodness their spooky D.I.Y. projects didn’t disappoint.

VIEW THE GALLERY: 9 Halloween Crafts the Whole Family Will Howl Over